They did
The events in this comic are true. Only the names have been changes to protect the innocent. … OK, apparently it happened at a Burger Chef near where my dad lived.
Plippy (Jan 22, 2006, 15:54):
I can’t do the “Hamster” one ’cause I saw it on a t-shirt once before. 🙂 But there’s a few other t-shirts I could do, and a few others I plan on throwing in. I’m gonna wait until this comics gets a bit more popular before selling shirts and other merchandice for it. In fact, I haven’t bothered advertising Moose River, at least not until I hit 50 comics or so….
Same (Jan 22, 2006, 13:50):
You know, it would be pretty cool if you made some of the t-shirts in the comic into the real things. It would be awesome to get a “Damn it Feels Good To Be A Hamster” or a “Kill” or that smiley face sort of thing on a t.