Hey Teresa…
Man, I keep getting sidetracked. I hate it. I keep promising myself that I should write and draw two of these comics a day just to play catchup, but I’m finding myself fooling around on the internet or watching some video or something. I really ought to sequester myself to my room so I can really get some work done……
Also, it looks like I’m officially now a part of Wizard World Chicago’s Artist Alley. I’ll be side by side with a lot of other comic writers and such, like… Geoff Darrow? Awesome! I wonder who I’m gonna be placed next to?
July is gonna be a pretty hectic month for me.
Plippy (Jul 12, 2006, 2:11):
Yup, it’s up for good. No more down time, if I have anything to say about it! … BTW, note to self: consider adding more dialogue between Emo and Teresa.
Roscoe (Jul 11, 2006, 22:01):
So its finally back up? Coo. I was wondering how long it might take…
Roscoe (Jul 11, 2006, 22:00):
So its finally back up? Coo. I was wondering how long it might take…
timbosister (Jul 1, 2006, 21:03):
I chortled at the hmm face.
Plippy (Jun 29, 2006, 2:55):
Roscoe: Maybe she only got hit by a train and the impact split her in half? 🙂 … Yeah, I’m Nick15 from the Mystic Revolution forums (Sparrow is my dear friend and comic sister-in-arms). I’m glad you enjoy the comic, and I’m even more glad you’re sticking around, since this comic is hardly finished. The first three chapters is just the boring ol’ introduction for the players, the rest of the chapters will bring out the big guns. 😛 Anyways, thanks again!
Roscoe (Jun 28, 2006, 23:54):
Oh! And I forgot to comment on a particular “strip” from earlier when Avery was first riding the train into Moose River. I’ve seen some major incidents of folks getting ranover by a train, and actually, there is very little blood, as the wieght of the train is so great that it literally “seals” the skin over the wound. But this was from legs and arms getting cut off. I honestly don’t know if it would be the same if someone were actually cut in half by the train…
Roscoe (Jun 28, 2006, 23:48):
Hi! I’ve found your comic from the Mystic Rev site (namely by link in the forums in the signature of a user named “nick15”. You?). Anyways, read them all from start to finish. I understand that all artists and writers like feedback for their work, but really, what can I say? I’ve greatly enjoyed the comic thus far, and will continue to read. Thanks much for sharing your talent. Cheers. -Ros