Oh, hiya Navy.
Blah, this was supposed to be posted last night, but I fell asleep in the middle of doing it. In any case I have far more free time this week to spend on comics. I might end up doing three more for this week. 🙂 … Last week as a nightmare though, I spent most of my free time between an ample-sized programming assignment as well as two midterms. Bugger! This week though I only have one-and-a-half homework assignments due (technically two, but one of them won’t be collected), but it won’t be due until Friday. So…. extra comics galore!
As you can tell, this page is starting to flesh out Navy’s story, which is basically what this whole chapter is gonna be focused upon. I think you might like where things will be going. 😀
BTW, I managed to finish all of Battlestar Galactica Season 2.5. It once again reaffirmed my opinion that Battlestar Galactica is the best thing on TV today. 🙂