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Archive for August, 2007

Comic Ideas

Bjournal Post: August 25th, 2007

Right now I’m nursing a healthy opiate withdrawal, so I feel like absolute shit and I don’t feel like doing anything. Watching American Splendor is making me feel a bit better, though. Anyways, a few new comic ideas have popped up in my head over the past few weeks, stuff I’d love to spend a […]

Late Friday Comic

Bjournal Post: August 24th, 2007

Friday’s comic will be up, albiet a little late. I mean, it will appear ON Friday, but I don’t know at what time. I mean, 11:59PM still counts as “Friday”, don’t it? :3

Perfect Bound vs. Handmade Books

Bjournal Post: August 21st, 2007

I’ve been investigating different printing options for me, and I’m probably gonna end up taking the print-on-demand route. This’ll actually make things a lot easier for me, and I can get like 100 copies done up for a reasonable price (versus a minimum order of 1,000 for $3000 from some big name printer). It’ll definately […]

Next Appearance: APAture 2007, September 29th

Bjournal Post: August 17th, 2007

( APAture: A Window on the Art of Young Asian Pacific Americans ) Anyone here in and around the San Francisco Bay Area? APAture is an art show just for Asian/Pacific-American artists, like me. Apparently it’s this eleven-day art show, and each day has a different theme to it. Like one day it’s all musicians, […]

Nope, no s**tting.

August 17th, 2007

Some Ideas and Notes To Self

Bjournal Post: August 16th, 2007

NOTE TO SELF: * Relink all the RSS stuff WordPress automatically makes for me. * Find someone with a paid LJ account to activate a Moose River syndication deal. SOME IDEAS: Would you guys be interested in me actually using my blog bjournal for something other than giving you updates on Moose River related stuff? […]

99% Done!

Bjournal Post: August 13th, 2007

OK, I think that’ll do it. How do you like everything? Does everything work? I currently only have Safari for Mac OS X to work with, so I’d really appreciate it if any of you IE and Firefox fans can give me a heads up and tell me if something doesn’t look right. Otherwise, a […]

Small Or Large Comics?

Bjournal Post: August 13th, 2007

Unless I can figure out how you can browse through the archives using both the small or large versions of the page, I must ask you this: would you prefer to read new comics using the Large or Small comic versions? The smaller versions load quicker, but the larger versions have more detail. If no […]

Archive Revisions Complete

Bjournal Post: August 12th, 2007

Ok, the Archives have been brought up to date! I guess then all I have left to do is to reshape the WordPress layout to be a lot more Moose River-y, and then upload-and-relink all the old pages. I think this is gonna be the easy part. I’ll take care of that later tonight, just […]

Magic Surprise + Update Schedule

Bjournal Post: August 8th, 2007

( via MySpace ) I heard some of these guys’ music playing on someone’s page and checked them out. They are definitely the band of the week, and it’s only Wednesday! I’ve also determined that new pages will be up on Mondays and Fridays (that’s twice a week). Just as soon as I can get […]

Note To Self: Do-It-Yourself Books

Bjournal Post: August 7th, 2007

OK so like, it costs me about $6-$7 to make each copy of Moose River book one, then it’s a bit of effort to bind the books and glue on the covers. Now while I’m not against this route (hearing people say “that’s hardcore” at conventions is totally worth it), after reading this article, I […]

Site Revision Update

Bjournal Post: August 5th, 2007

Okeydokey…. one of the most tedious tasks has been completed: the posting of all my comic pages into the archives. So no, all that I have done for Moose River is up and ready for you to read. Isn’t that spechul?? Now I gotta go through each page, tag it, give it a title and […]

Moose River
by Philippe Van Lieu
—Fully Charged - June 27th, 2019—

From the bottom of my heart (and the bottom of this page): thank you very much for reading my comics.

Nick15, all related subjects, and all text are ©1996-2019 Philippe Van Lieu
All else are copyright of their respective owners. Used without permission. Dang.