Small Or Large Comics?
August 13th, 2007Unless I can figure out how you can browse through the archives using both the small or large versions of the page, I must ask you this: would you prefer to read new comics using the Large or Small comic versions? The smaller versions load quicker, but the larger versions have more detail.
If no one chimes in with their opinion, I’m gonna stick with the big ones for now.
August 13th, 2007 at 21:48
I prefer the big ones. (HeeHee!) Definitly easier to read. And if memory serves didnt we use to have to double click to enlarge the page on the old site? If so, you just eliminated one less step for us lazy folks.
August 14th, 2007 at 06:59
True. Although I’m used to the small ones, for all practical purposes bigger’s prolly better…
August 14th, 2007 at 09:08
SADGIRL: Yeah, you had to click on the comic to see the large version, but even then you could still read through the archives through the large ones only.
TOM: To be honest I would rather see medium sized ones that are in between the large (800px) and small (550px) pages. But that would require me to do extra work, which is something I do not want to do right now. So we’ll stick with big ones for now.
August 14th, 2007 at 13:04
Plus, I had to squint to read the line about breaking up with Claire (panel 5). Guess I just glossed over the “click-to-enlarge” part…