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Complete List of Writing Offenses Tweaked and To Be Tweaked

August 21st, 2008

If you’ve never noticed it before, on the sidebar I have a page where I discuss all the different ways a story can go bad (like expired milk bad) due to piss poor writing. I really don’t show it off much so I wonder if people even notice it’s there? (Un?)Fortunately it’s the only way I can let off some steam about bad webcomics without attacking them directly. It’s not to say that I haven’t pondered the idea, as I certainly could use the attention I would gain by the webcomic’s owners posting a rebuttal to my attack on their site… but John Solomon of Your Webcomic Is Bad And You Should Feel Bad has already covered the best of the worst, like CTRL+ALT+DEL and Dominic Deegan, and nothing I could say would be anything that Solomon hasn’t already said.

Anyways, last night I gave it a bit of a tweak, adding a new section about how a writer should write a story titled “XXXX” and not a “XXXX” story. I also added one or two little examples of webcomics which violate the suggestions of the list.

Now that I brought it up, I do have a suggestion for youse guys. Check out the list if you haven’t already. I don’t read many webcomics–I read barely half of what I’ve listed on the links page–so I can’t think of any webcomics that I could use as examples for the list. But seeing as you guys read a lot more webcomics than I do, maybe you guys can help me out by digging up some good examples out of the stuff you read? Heck, maybe in the process of doing it, you’ll inspire me to add one or two more pieces of advice to the list that I missed out before. So how’bout it? 🙂

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Moose River
by Philippe Van Lieu
—Fully Charged - June 27th, 2019—

From the bottom of my heart (and the bottom of this page): thank you very much for reading my comics.

Nick15, all related subjects, and all text are ©1996-2019 Philippe Van Lieu
All else are copyright of their respective owners. Used without permission. Dang.