Difference Between Cartoons/Comics and Anime/Mangas
September 10th, 2008This one’s quick, but I want to share it.
I think the key difference between Cartoons/Comics and Anime/Mangas is that Cartoons/Comics use art as means to an end, while Anime/Mangas use art as an ends to a means.
That is to say, Anime/Mangas have a story to tell and decide to use art to tell it. As in, they’re more interested in telling the story and just happen to find themselves within their medium. Cartoons/Comics instead find themselves within their medium first and decide to play with it, and then shares that play with the audience as their story. Both DO want to tell a story above all else, but their priorities are different.
In particular, I’ve seen within anime mostly seriousness with some medium play within it, while cartoons are mostly medium play with some seriousness within it.
Anyone see what I mean? I’ll try to throw up some examples.