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Alrighty, this is

Six more left. I have a bit of catching up left to do, but I think I can take care of that.

BTW, I dunno if you guys notice, but this page was actually inked using my 0.5 Rapidograph pen. See any difference between this page and previous pages? I did however remember why I don’t use ink: I couldn’t erase anything, so I was stuck with my bad inkjob.

7 Responses to “Alrighty, this is”

  1. Tom sezzzzz:


  2. mayor of moose river sezzzzz:

    TOM: You’re gonna love what happens after all this. But of course, the next page won’t be about them. 😉

  3. Tom sezzzzz:

    Whatever happens, you should put it on a T-shirt. And then sell it. 😀

  4. max sezzzzz:

    i couldnt really see any difference. maybe the hair looked a little finer lined, but thats about it.

    its funny though, in music, guitarists tend to obsess over nuances of tone that the audience is likely never able to discern, especially in more distorted music, but its important for the musician to be able to get the sound they want because it affects his performance, and that is something and audience can hear.

    so, use what you like. it doesnt matter if we can see the difference.

    plus “rapidograph” is a very cool word.

  5. mayor of moose river sezzzzz:

    TOM: Ahhh we’ll see about that. :3

    MAX: OK cool, I was curious about whether or not the difference in medium was noticeable. The intent however wasn’t about trying to make it noticeable, but in me trying to complete a page as usual, does the different medium create a(n ultimately undesired) noticeable difference? The fact that it didn’t do so to you is good, as it just proves to me how the ends really dictate the means, at least when it comes to my art. That is to say, I want my pages to end up looking the way they have… why bother with ink when using a pencil (which I can erase!) provides me with the same ends? The Machiavellian approach I take with my art works fine for me.

    Rapidograph pens are great though. High quality shit. I have a whole set of them which can produce extremely fine lines… I guess one day I’ll find a use for them. And yeah, it’s an awesome word. Rah-pi-do-graph. 🙂

  6. Tom sezzzzz:

    Yeah, Rapids are great. But sometimes I find they’ll just drop a big “blop” of ink when you least expect it. I’ve since taught myself to start using pen & ink.

    You could also do your pencils with a technical pencil and blue-line lead, which would keep you from having to erase as much. When you scan in the drawings, just set the scanner to a higher contrast so that any blue lines left over after inking don’t appear as prevalently… or use “brightness/contrast” in Photoshop to achieve the same ends…

  7. mayor of moose river sezzzzz:

    The drops are the worst. But that’s why I love using a computer for my editing. Using both a computer and paper-and-pencils to do my artwork is best since both systems are perfect for filling in inherent flaws of each other. I couldn’t stand using one system or the other exclusively. Though if I somehow wound up back in time in the 1960’s, I dunno if I could stand being a cartoonist without my computer.

    As for my standard comicking process… I do use nonphoto blue pencils for my initial sketching and a 0.5mm pencil with 2B lead for my “inking”. Then when I scan it in, I just fiddle with the levels–washing out all the light greys and blacking out the darker greys–to where I get just straight up lines. The beauty is how it doesn’t look any different than if I used a pen. Now I used to not use non-photo blue pencils up until recently, it was something I first experimented with in Muusugawa no Nihon. But now I won’t draw without it.

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Moose River
by Philippe Van Lieu
—Fully Charged - June 27th, 2019—

From the bottom of my heart (and the bottom of this page): thank you very much for reading my comics.

Nick15, all related subjects, and all text are ©1996-2019 Philippe Van Lieu
All else are copyright of their respective owners. Used without permission. Dang.