Page Updates
August 25th, 2019OK so one of the things I’ve been wanting to do for some time was update my pages, partially to undo the “3×2” format they’re all in (which makes them look like junk on mobile) but to also just clean them up in general.
Well I’ve done some of them already! I’m not necessarily doing them in order, but they mostly will be in order. That that I’ll focus on which ones I think are more worth updating before others.
The pages which I’ve updated are:
* Page 001
* Page 003
* Page 004
* Page 006
Page 006 was perhaps the most difficult of them all so far (though maybe overall to boot), as I had to remove the “line shading” I did on it. The line shading was something that has ALWAYS bothered me, and I FINALLY got around to fixing it once and for all. Here’s a quick before-and-after animation showing the changes I made to it, as well as an example of the kind of “remastering” I’m doing with the older pages.
Pretty nifty remastering, huh? I’m hoping to the same with the entire archive… though definitely not before I work on ACTUAL new comics. I don’t want to spend more time fixing the past than writing the future… but if I can do both, I will.