Post Con and Such-and-such’s
OK, I got back Tuesday, but I spent all that time sleeping. I spent Wednesday working on this: my iPhoto gallery of the past two weeks. Sixty-six photos of both cons as well as my analysis. In short: SacAnime was pretty fun, and I did really good considering the size of the event. Otakon, on the other hand, was an EPIC FAIL. Just check out the photos for the full detail. And yes, there is some major hating going on in there.
Well after going through the past two weeks and absorbing everything I could about conventions and suggestions for my comic and site, I have come to a few conclusions.
- I need to add some stuff on the back of my book, including: “Manhwa/Graphic Novel”, “For Mature Readers”, a quick synopsis, some example frames… just stuff to spice up the back of the book, which is currently mostly empty.
- As for the construction of the book, a few book binders and librarians who I talked to at Otakon suggested to me a few things I can do to stengthen the binding a bit… I really should look into that.
- For anime conventions, I REALLY should focus in on the whole “Manhwa” and/or “Gekiga” angle. Either have it listed somewhere on a poster or sheet of paper or my advertisements or something. But it has to be there, because it’s an appealing “Asian-related” selling point.
- For conventions in general, I MUST have everything I need to do done the night before the convention begins. I’m sick and tired of having to spend my time in between the convention days binding books, stapling shit or just being sleep-wasted when I really should be hanging out with people I rarely get to see in person.
- Concerning this site, I’m convinced that readers (like you) want to see me update on a specific day. That is to say, apparently readers like it more if I were to update once a week on a set day versus two or three times on a totally random day. Now I think I can do that, but…
- I want to switch my comics utility thingy from what I’ve got to ComicPress. A few people I talked to, while understanding the reasonings behind my method, told me that I might be better off using something like ComicPress which integrates this Bjournal and the comic posting more to suit my needs better. I’ve been taking a look at it, and whether or not I choose it depends on if I can post-date comic entries. If I can post-date comic entries, then that means I will switch to set day posting schedule, simply because I can still do a comic whenever I want to, but then I can just post-date it for my set day. … Now my only concern with this system is: suppose I make more than one comic a week, should I post it on a day that isn’t my set update day? The answer, I was told, is yes: a “hey, I posted something yesterday also” notice would be in order in that case.
Taking care of the ComicPress thing won’t be too difficult, but it might take some time. I’ll see what I can’t work out. In the mean time, uhm…. I’m gonna relax.
July 27th, 2007 at 07:22
I’ve been messing with comicpress and wordpress and its a nice system. my only gripe with it is, can you back date your entries? because, for you, you have the 100+ comics to have on the site before you make new updates. i dunno. something to consider, if it can be done…
July 27th, 2007 at 09:54
Wow, I look truly horrible in those pictures. I really need a haircut.
I’ll have to check out Otakon one of these days. Maybe once I move back to the East Coast.
July 30th, 2007 at 08:05
one thing, you need to go into your managing options and maybe change to one entry on the main page. since you’ve got like 5 or something?
July 30th, 2007 at 12:44
JAMIE: Well the five entries stay on the main page as each comic goes by. I usually prefer to keep the last few posts alive like this.
July 31st, 2007 at 05:25
Alright, thats cool.