February 4th, 2008
Yeah huh… I dunno. I’m still scared.
The last two frames were from a set of pages I took down last year. Coincidentally, those two frames were originally posted exactly one year ago.
…I also notice the missing “you” in the first frame. I’ll get to that later. Fixed.
February 4th, 2008 at 06:02
How do you pronounce “Metrois”? Metwah, or Metroy?
(Fun fact: it is very easy to make an Emo Kim “Mii” on one’s Nintendo Wii. Photos to come.)
February 5th, 2008 at 01:11
TOM: Metrois is pronounced “Metwah”. It’s a fake French name. 🙂
And I would love to see Emo Kim Mii. I ought to share my Shea, Avery and Anne Miis. 😀
February 5th, 2008 at 03:58
You made some? I’d love to see them!