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Moose River VR; The Details

Bjournal Post: June 29th, 2019

TEN YEARS IN THE MAKING! EVERYTHING IS BACK AS IF NOTHING HAS CHANGED! YOUR PATIENCE HAS BEEN REWARDED! OK so here’s where I’m gonna describe in details what exactly I’d like to do with “Moose River VR”. First off, given its name, it’s going to be a “virtual reality comic”. HOWEVER, since “VR comics” don’t […]

Emo’s Story [MRVR Notes]

June 28th, 2019

Back online after I forget how long

Bjournal Post: March 26th, 2019

Howdy! Moose River is “back”! And by “back” I mean that the archives are back online after some time with them NOT online. I forgot why I took them off, but whatever, it’s back. Do I plan on making new pages? Maybe. Maybe not. Right now all of my artistic energy is being spent on […]

Revision Notes and Site Transfer

Bjournal Post: June 8th, 2012

REVISION NOTES: One of the most important things I plan on doing in my revision of Moose River is updating each page of the story–either by redrawing the entire page or some of the frames or elements within the page–as well as adding new frames and pages to the story overall. Case in point, in […]

OK, so here’s the plan…

Bjournal Post: June 7th, 2012

I’ve been jealously guarding my “spark” over the last few days just to make sure it doesn’t fizzle on me, and so far it seems to be doing fine. … Now I’ve been giving it a lot of thought yesterday and now I know what I need to do with this site. So the plan […]

Promises Made, But I’m Not Too Good With Keeping Them

Bjournal Post: June 5th, 2012

Damn spark… Once upon a time it used to take me no effort to write a new page. Then some stupid shit happened to me which sapped my ability to write and draw new pages. All the times in the past when I thought I could write a new page, it was because I THOUGHT […]


Bjournal Post: June 22nd, 2011

I have a little surprise for youse guys on July 4th. What is my little surprise? You’ll just to have to come by on July 4th to find out! Oh, and I mean July 4th, 2011, not July 4th, 2012…. 😛 EDIT: The update was originally stated to be the 3rd, but I just realized […]

CON APPEARANCE: SacAnime, Sept 2-4, 2011

Bjournal Post: June 17th, 2011

Say hey! I plan to have my first con booth in almost three years! This time I plan at being at SacAnime at their September 2nd – 4th, 2011 show. Super cool, huh? Maybe I’ll have something new to show off, eh? We’ll see! 🙂


Bjournal Post: June 5th, 2011

OK, so here’s some new little updates for you… MOOSE RIVER CHAPTER 7: As you may have noticed, I hit something of a writers block concerning Chapter 7, which, among other things, was a reason for why I stopped writing. BUT, just like all my other ideas, my writers block suddenly flushed itself! Here’s the […]

SOON: Graduation! SOONER: Comics?

Bjournal Post: June 2nd, 2011

Time for my regular update in order to prove that I’m not dead! So a couple of things have happened to me recently which have since motivated me to start work on new pages again… 1. I’m 97.2746% finished with school. Graduation is on the horizon! All I need to do is finish my internship […]

City of Moose River website

Bjournal Post: March 25th, 2011

http://www.ci.mooseriver.us/ Check it out! I’m working on a little portfolio site for college to showcase my technical and professional writing capabilities, and I decided to make a fake website for the actual city of Moose River (run by the local Moose River city government and Chamber of Commerce). It’ll have resources for the citizens of […]

New Years 2011 Resolution!

Bjournal Post: January 1st, 2011

What’s my New Years Resolution for 2011? To work on new comics again! I think whatever lump in my throat that made me NOT want to work on new pages has disappeared, and now I REALLLLLYYYY want to make new pages. But will I be able to finish three chapters (and thus the entire book) […]

Another Post In So Little Time?!

Bjournal Post: December 14th, 2010

Your eyes dost not decieve you! You are reading ANOTHER post from me! Huzzah! So here’s what this one is about… First off, apparently there’s something wrong with the commenting thingy. I’ll try to get that fixed. Secondly, I’m looking to work on ANOTHER minicomic, MOOSE RIVER RETAILS, which will be the book I work […]

I’m not dead! I’m just… Pining for the Fjords!

Bjournal Post: December 4th, 2010

I swear to you guys that I’m not dead. In fact, I wat to say that I love you ALL! Also, even if I’m not making new Moose River pagers, it’s still not dead to me… I chose “writing” as my career choice and “comics” as my means… I even did a presentation in my […]

New Updates!

Bjournal Post: May 14th, 2010

Blargh! Once you think you’re out of the game, the game pulls you back in! That’s what you get for playing Monopoly! Anyways, so here’s a little update on my situation: Fret not, I haven’t given up of Moose River, not by a long shot. This world I’ve created is far from being dead, as […]

Chapter 7 Notes

November 21st, 2009

Aw Shit, I Missed FanimeCon!… and Some Other Things

Bjournal Post: May 27th, 2009

FANIMECON: Motherfucker! I thought FanimeCon was gonna be this upcoming weekend, but it turned out to be this last weekend! I totally missed it alltogether, and I lost the $40 I spent on a table! Fucknuts! … Well, I was kinda getting tired and burnt out of doing cons anyways, so I’m not too pissed […]

Life, Don’t Talk To Me About Life; or, Don’t Panic!

Bjournal Post: May 21st, 2009

Two lines from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy seemed quite appropriate here. I haven’t forgotten about this site, and this time it’s not a case of writer’s block. Life just keeps getting in the way. Between my shed and part of my house catching on FIRE and destroying between 75-95% of my personal effects (notes, […]

Don’t Worry, Be Happy!

Bjournal Post: April 2nd, 2009

Ok, so the three pages that sort of establish some other parts within the chapter have been taken care of. I think all that needs to be said about Betty and Jorge’s current relationship has been said. The next part of the story will involve Emo. I’m really really REALLY excited about working on this […]


March 27th, 2009

I’m so sorry it took

March 23rd, 2009

Still Trying To Get Back Into The Swing Of Things

Bjournal Post: March 17th, 2009

I’m still alive! I just finished studying for a midterm, which was today. With that out of the way, and because I have spring break coming up, I think I can finally start cracking on new pages. I finally attained some of the freedom I require to work on new pages. But best of all, […]

Updates Soon! (Hopefully!)

Bjournal Post: March 14th, 2009

God I suck at this. But remember how I was gonna get some help with my little writer’s block problem on Friday? Well I got the help I need, so soon I should be getting the ball rolling on new comics! … Just as soon as I finish some homework. I have some teachers who […]

How Goes It?

Bjournal Post: March 11th, 2009

Howdy, long time no see! 🙂 Ok so as you have noticed, I haven’t updated in some time. Well I’ve been having the most severe case of writer’s block that I’ve ever experienced. Right now I’m at a standstill with my writing and I just cannot move forward. Time has not been on my side […]

Moose River
by Philippe Van Lieu
—Fully Charged - June 27th, 2019—

From the bottom of my heart (and the bottom of this page): thank you very much for reading my comics.

Nick15, all related subjects, and all text are ©1996-2019 Philippe Van Lieu
All else are copyright of their respective owners. Used without permission. Dang.